21 November 2006

So much time, so little to do... Strike that, reverse it.

25 days and counting until graduation! Until then, I am afraid, I will resemble a hermit in many ways. The only difference is that I will have to leave my house to go to the library... so perhaps I could be a library hermit... do those exist? Before graduation, I have to write two 8-10 page research papers (one written in spanish), another research paper three pages in length (also in spanish) and all three of these papers are due on the same day.. I am so dreading December 8th! I also have a seven page article project to do, and I have to find time to work on a presentation with my group and write another 8-10 page paper with them... suck. However, come December 16th I am blowing this proverbial popsicle stand! That is what is keeping me motivated. My biggest downfall is that I am a master procrastinator. For example, I'm writing this blog that, most likely no one reads, instead of working on my research. But I just spent 3 hours searching Ellis library...let me rephrase... I just spent 3 hours lost in Ellis library gathering sources for my first paper. So I am taking a much needed R&R session... too bad it can only last 20 minutes before I am forced to return to the hell that is my research paper. Who cares about childbirth and midwifery in the Netherlands? ... Because I sure as hell do not.


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